Internet connection stops working


Having a problem here with my internet connection and a first generation Quicksilver.

For a while, web pages load just fine. After an indeterminate amount of time, I lose the ability to load pages, or even sometimes reach the router that my computer is hooked up to. Pinging doesn't work, traceroutes fail, etc.

It seems like it's some kind of system-wide DNS problem, but I'm not sure. I've tried restarting lookupd and no joy.

Simultaneously, my wireless tibook can surf the web and reach the router no problem, so I'm pretty sure it's an OS or hardware problem.

Has anyone hear of this problem? Any suggestions? Right now, if I restart my system I can load pages again for a while, but sooner or later the same problem reappears.

My setup:

DSL -> SMC 2804WBR -> WIRED -> Quicksilver
|-> Wireless -> 2 Tibooks

DHCP is turned off and all systems have static local IPs. Running OS 10.2.6.

You can find out whether it is a DNS issue. When it starts happening, ping a hostname, then ping its IP address. If the hostname fails but the IP address doesn't then you know it must be a DNS issue.