Internet Connection


Ok, so I broke down and bought a copy of Windows XP Home Edition and I installed it and everything, but my Windows will not connect to the internet. I'm running straight through the ethernet cable at my dorm (no wireless) and I don't know how to connect. Help me please?
Does your internet connection work when booted to the Mac OS?

Have you installed the Apple windows drivers from the CD that you burned for those, and have you tried reinstalling those drivers a second time?
Does the device manager show anything unusual about the network drivers?

If your network interface drivers are installed OK, you should be able to check your network connection through the icon in the task tray. Use the network connection repair wizard to get that to work. Get a real Windows user to show you what that means. You should be able to find someone that can help you with Windows in your dorm. Ask your RA.
You should review your Bootcamp installation guide, it has some very helpful remarks, such as:
If a message appears that says the software you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testing, click Continue Anyway.
Windows that appear only briefly during the installation don’t require your input.
If nothing appears to be happening, there may be a hidden window that you must respond to. Check the taskbar and look behind open windows.

Important: Do not click the Cancel button in any of the installer dialogs.
Be patient, give the drivers install up to 30 minutes to complete (but it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes, normally.
If it really stalls, reboot Windows, and run the drivers install again.
More from your Guide (it's a good read for this stuff!)
If it appears that the software on the Macintosh Drivers CD wasn’t installed successfully,
insert the Macintosh Drivers CD and try reinstalling the software.