Internet explorer bugs?

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Iwould like to know if someone encounters those problems in IE 5:

there's a problem launching the quicktime plugin.
the flash plugin doesn't work so i'm not able to view animations

is it a problem with IE or with me?
is it possible to re-install IE 5 properly?

thanks for responding


G4 cube
I haven't tried quicktime of flash, my pb doesn't connect to the internet - Long story - broken ethernet - unsupported farallon pc card, etc. I'm going to get a free-i account today I think, and get the modem to work.

I did install php and apache, and am working on getting mysql to compile.
When I tested them in Explorer "" it works fine, but "localhost" crashes Explorer hard and fast. That may be a problem with something outside of Explorer tho.

I've also noticed is that it sometimes doesn't respond to command-keys. I'll have to play with that more to see if it's true.

That's all I've seen so far, when I hook up the modem, I'll try the flash deal. Is there a flash plugin yet for it?
Quicktime might be easy to fix.

I'd be interested to hear what other peoples' experiences have been with web browers are under OS X. The two native browsers I've used so far are Internet Exploder (Carbon beta) and OmniWeb 4.0 Beta 6. I haven't used any Carbon version of Netscape yet, and my experiences with the Classic v. 4.75 have been that it has a disturbing tendency to bring down the entire machine (I've crashed OS X four times in the past five weeks, and Netscape was responsible two of those times).So of the two Browsers I've actually used (OmniWeb and Explorer), I have to say that so far Explorer wins hands down. Don't even get me started on how much it pains me to say that). Which really bums me out. Of the two, Omniweb is by far the more beautiful of the two; Exploder is butt-ugly by comparison. Explorer's font handling is particularly egregious. Also, OmniWeb is Cocoa, not Carbon, it's got a much smaller footprint, and it's NOT MICROSOFT (always a good thing). But, sadly, the performance just isn't there. It's vastly slower than Explorer on my machine (500MHz G4/256/18G Ultra2 SCSI), and it's not as stable (not that Exploder is anything LIKE stable). Also, the plug-in situation seems grim; I haven't been able to find plugins for either Flash or Quicktime, to say nothing of RealAudio, and there seems to be indifferent support for javascript, let alone Java applets. I've also come across numerous pages that simply will not display properly in Omniweb that seem pretty decent under Explorer.

This seems surprising. I've heard nothing but good reviews for OmniWeb. I'd really like to see it succeed; it's definitely a gorgeous browser, but right now the performance just isn't there. Normally I'd chalk it up to being a beta release, but on the other hand Explorer's in beta too.

So please, someone tell me I'm wrong. I always used to take explorer right off my Macs under OS 9 and earlier. The only reason I don't mind having it on my system under X is because it can't get its gnarly, ugly claws into the OS, and can't install bad, evil extensions that wreck my computer.
I'd be interested to hear what other peoples' experiences have been with web browers are under OS X. The two native browsers I've used so far are Internet Exploder (Carbon beta) and OmniWeb 4.0 Beta 6. I haven't used any Carbon version of Netscape yet, and my experiences with the Classic v. 4.75 have been that it has a disturbing tendency to bring down the entire machine (I've crashed OS X four times in the past five weeks, and Netscape was responsible two of those times).So of the two Browsers I've actually used (OmniWeb and Explorer), I have to say that so far Explorer wins hands down. Don't even get me started on how much it pains me to say that). Which really bums me out. Of the two, Omniweb is by far the more beautiful of the two; Exploder is butt-ugly by comparison. Explorer's font handling is particularly egregious. Also, OmniWeb is Cocoa, not Carbon, it's got a much smaller footprint, and it's NOT MICROSOFT (always a good thing). But, sadly, the performance just isn't there. It's vastly slower than Explorer on my machine (500MHz G4/256/18G Ultra2 SCSI), and it's not as stable (not that Exploder is anything LIKE stable). Also, the plug-in situation seems grim; I haven't been able to find plugins for either Flash or Quicktime, to say nothing of RealAudio, and there seems to be indifferent support for javascript, let alone Java applets. I've also come across numerous pages that simply will not display properly in Omniweb that seem pretty decent under Explorer.

This seems surprising. I've heard nothing but good reviews for OmniWeb. I'd really like to see it succeed; it's definitely a gorgeous browser, but right now the performance just isn't there. Normally I'd chalk it up to being a beta release, but on the other hand Explorer's in beta too.

So please, someone tell me I'm wrong. I always used to take explorer right off my Macs under OS 9 and earlier. The only reason I don't mind having it on my system under X is because it can't get its gnarly, ugly claws into the OS, and can't install bad, evil extensions that wreck my computer.
it's kinda ironic that QT pluin fails to work in OS X w/ EI, giving a "can't load plugin"... i am not able to view any QT contents, mov, flash, mp3.. etc.
is this a common, known bug? it's quite annoying~~
does any one know there is a patch or workaround to this, share your wisdom pls!

Originally posted by imgmkr
it's kinda ironic that QT pluin fails to work in OS X w/ EI, giving a "can't load plugin"... i am not able to view any QT contents, mov, flash, mp3.. etc

Well, not common known, but i experience the same problem. Can't figure out what is causing it, though

when i re install os X this bugs disapear. I think IE was not correctly installed, but i don't know exactly why...

sorry for my bad english
Hmm. Flash seems to work fine on my IE.

I share the sentiments and experiences posted above re: Omniweb. It seems very sluggish. And on some pages it just hangs completely. wah...

I'm having a slightly different problem with IE. Whenever I download software, it tries to launch the Classic environment. I figure it's trying to launch a Classic version of Stuffit Expander or something. I've tried to turn off "post-process" files but it hasn't worked. I've tried to disassociate file types from Stuffit Expander, but that hasn't worked either. Any ideas? Thanks.

My fix for that particular problem was to destroy my classic version of stuffit expander. I stuffed it up. That way the only *.sit (etc) handler is your new OS X version.

my qt plugin works fine...

the only difference is that i plugged in my qt3/qt4 pro registration key...

flash works fine on my ie too.
one workaround i found for teh stuffit thing, is to go into file handlers and turn off all the stuffit launching. so it just saves to a f ile, and then i manually open the files.

regarding the other native browsers, i've run icab and omniweb, as well as the fizzilla port of mozilla.

my findings are that omniweb looks really nice (fonts are nice) icab works decently and fizilla is a bit uh... unpolished. icab and omniweb dont do java that well either.

i think ie is pretty good. wish it had the xml stuff tho...
Yeah, I wish IE had the XML/XSL capabilities that IE for Windows has.

At least it has JavaScript support.

I know a lot of fools use JavaScript where you don't need it anyway, but the phpMyAdmin (or is is myPhpAdmin) too uses it, and I can't live without it.

Umm you are using OmniWeb 4.0cf3 aren't you? It is stable and fast for me. I gave up on the OSX version of IE because IT was too slow.

One thing I've noticed is that mileage for all of OSX is really varying for different people. I wonder what is up with that. Some people saying X is slow and Y is fast while others are having the opposite problem.

iCab pre 2.4 -- good and fast, but crashes at inopportune times. Often crashes when I hit cmd-f for find. Actually, found it too unstable to use often. Still waiting for a stable version; loved it under 9 -- so fast and sleek.

OmniWeb 4.0 -- crashes about once every 2 days of hard and ongoing use. Because it is so aqua-compliant, and its features are totally cool, I use this browser most of the time.
LOVE: View source with Omniweb... you can tweak the HTML and then re-render the new code in the browser, without saving or connecting to the server. If you're a programmer, you can change the program on the server, and then "refetch" the HTML source and see the difference. Command-click a link opens up a browser *behind* the active one (like duh! why didn't anybody think of this sooner?).

Explorer -- I don't find it slow. I don't find it unstable (it's crashed a few times in the last 14 days). It's the only browser that can connect reliably to my cable-modem. The only strange thing is that I can't cut-and-paste into or out of the browser!! E.g. -- no cutting/pasting of urls from a different program and pasting into IE.
I have had none of the problems with IE which other people have apparently had. The thing is, OmniWeb's features are so convenient, it makes IE look doofy and unfinished.