Can someone help me. When I open up Internet Explorer for OS X, the internet explorer screen comes on, and then it says the application has unexpectedly quit. Any help would be appreciated.
had a similar problem when I first started using OS X. Don't use IE much at all anymore but my problem had to do with corruption and required a new install of IE. I actually took the opportunity to reinstall and configure my entire computer in a much more OS X-friendly manner. It worked thereafter.
But, like I said, I haven't used IE for over a month... Try to reinstall it.
When I reinstalled, I reinstalled all of OS X from the CD and had to do all the updates by download (this was before the 10.1 CD).
I can't verify that it's on the 10.1 CD. My wife took it to her lab to update her TiBook and has not brought it home... Of course, if M$ says it's there, it MUST be.
yup, roachkilla, jadey's right. You do need to extract it first but then t works fine. Just tried it (picked my wife up from her lab today to get the 10.1 CD).
Search for "Pacifist" (no quotes) on . Make sure you search in the OS X section. Install pacifist and use it to extract IE from the 10.1 CD.
hmmm. Got me. Like I said, when I had a problem with IE, I didn't actually reinstall IE - I reinstalled all of X (I wanted to change the way I had the partitions set up). I don't much use IE anymore but have not had the problem exactly as you describe.
i did that and it still doesn't work. I searched for cache in sherlock and deleted everything I could. I double click on IE, and it goes to the IE starting up window, and then says its unexpectedly quit.
Thats true, I only use IE at audigalaxy and to a server at work with some strange javascript on (PeCe people have done that)
Mozilla works great for me
quite frankly, bigger news would be "Internet Explorer keeps working". If anybody figures out how to make that happen, let us know so we can write m$ and let them know that the software is not functioning the way they intended it to.