internet Explorer refresh problem.


Supervised Member of life
when I go to some sites, all I get is it refreshing.

I hit cmnd-e and I get this {-HTML>-HEAD>-META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0" URL="">-/HEAD>-BODY>
-/BODY>-/HTML>} the <'s were replaces with -'s

it doesnt' do it in all sites...but enough that I know that it's not supposed to be doing it. At least..._I_ don't want it to.

does anyone know why, and how I change it?
Actually, it doesn't do it on all sites, but it does do it on quite a few.


so what I'm saying is I have tried other sites and it did the same thing.

But not on every site that I go to.

So it hapens often.

but not every time I go to a new site.

Just often enough to realise that it's happening often.
Yep, I'm familiar with the refresh command.
What I want to know, is this:

Why have I been able to find 11 totally unrelated sites that all have JUST the refresh command in their index?

It doesn't do it on all sites, but it does do it on quite a few.

so what I'm saying is I have tried other sites and it did the same thing.

But not on every site that I go to.

So it hapens often.

but not every time I go to a new site.

Just often enough to realise that it's happening often.
Probably they have server-side code that performs some logic to figure out which of several pages to redirect you to...

Often this is ASP/JSP/ColdFusion code redirecting you to a browser compatible version of the site.

Give us one example site and we'll see if it is different for us...