Internet Explorer


Internet Explorer will not run,

the application which somes with the OS does nothing when double clicked or openned.
Yes it does. It's blazing fast, too. You probably didn't configure Network prefs...
I have an iMac rev. A/233 , 96MB RAM, 4 GB HDD (50MB free).

What do you have?
Actually mine just started doing the same. It was running fine since I installed it. Then suddently tonight, the window opens and shuts down just as quickly.

G4, 450mhz, 256mb RAM, 45G drive all for OS X
I made a new user ID and logged in that way, it worked so it seems the preferences were corrupted.

Try making a new ID (IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE that you give it ADMIN rights). Login using it. If iIE works, delete your old user ID, then go into the users folder and delete the folder of your old user ID and recreate it.

You may be able to just trash the IE preferences, in fact, that's probably the easiest way of fixing it, but I am just telling you how I got it to work again.
ok will give it a try, by the way, (this gonna seem really dumb) but i couldn;t even figure outr how to create a new usr. It seems as if that feature is deactivated on mine.
Are you sure you have the Beta version and not the DP4 ? IE didn't work on DP4 version.

Originally posted by tavman
ok will give it a try, by the way, (this gonna seem really dumb) but i couldn;t even figure outr how to create a new usr. It seems as if that feature is deactivated on mine.
To create a new user, open the finder, push the APPS button in the toolbar (apple + B to open the toolbar if it doesn't show) and then go into the UTILS folder. In there you'll see a MULTIPLE USERS icon. Click on it and follow the instructions.

And by the way Yoc, I had DP4 and I ran IE.... not very well, but it ran.
5 or 6 months of work were put into dp4 to make this beta, i dont understand why you would still use DP4, an outdated version of os x......
mainly am using it because it is hard to get the beta in australia, and as yet have been unable to get a copy of the final beta.
