Internet sharing via router


I'm having trouble setting up internet sharing.

Here's my setup:

Mac mini connected via Airport directly to my ISP.
Ethernet out of the mini to my Linksys wireless router.
Imac connected to the router via airport.
Both macs running X.4

I have internet sharing switched on in the mini also set the firewall to allow personal web sharing on both macs.
Mini set to share Airport connection via ethernet.

I can network and file share both ways and network status tells me the iMac is connected to the internet via airport but no pages will load.

Any ideas?
You appear to have a lot of things mixed up. You do not and should not share your Internet from your Mac.

Let's go back:

Your Mac mini is not connected directly to the Internet. Your wireless router is connected directly to your ISP modem. You are connecting to the Internet through your router--not directly.

No special measures are required to share files on the LAN (local area network) side of your router. No special measures are required to allow Personal Web Sharing among your computers on your LAN. However, you will have to enable port-forwarding and you must open Port 80 (assuming that your websites use Port 80) in your firewall and router if you want your websites to be seen outside by the outside world.
You appear to have a lot of things mixed up. You do not and should not share your Internet from your Mac.

Let's go back:

Your Mac mini is not connected directly to the Internet. Your wireless router is connected directly to your ISP modem. You are connecting to the Internet through your router--not directly.

Thanks for the reply but I'm not mixed up.
The setup is as described, I just switched from cable to a wireless provider in my building.
The mini connects directly to the ISP via Airport.

Since the wireless signal doesn't reach the imac I'm trying to use my wireless router as a bridge and share the Airport via Ethernet to the router then via Airport to the imac.