Invisable User


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Hello, is there a way to make a user not apear in the list at log in?

I know Root dose this. (Root is in the Other Catagory) is there a way to make other names not appear also?

Thanks for your help!
Open System Prefs. and go to Accounts and click on user options then click list of users. Now log out and it will show a text box for your user name and a text box for your password :cool:
I think Powermaster is after a way of hiding just one user from the list, not every user.

I too would like to know the answer - I know people have posted how-to's before, but I can't find them.
If you want a user to NOT show up at the OS X login screen (i.e. not have a button and name appear for them), do this:

1. Create the user if you haven't yet ("Users" in the system preferences)
2. Open NetInfo Manager (in /Applications/Utilities)
3. Authenticate by clicking the lock icon and typing in your admin password
4. In the middle column of the column view at the top of the window, scroll down to and select "users".
5. Select the user in question from the list that appears to the right
6. In the bottom of the window click the "property" called "realname", such that the entire line is hilighted, not just the text of the actual name.
7. Press delete or click the delete button and confirm the deletion.
8. Click the users name in the column view at the top and when prompted save your changes.
9. Quit NetInfo Manager
Now if you logout, that user will no longer be listed but you can still login as them via an SSH session or via the "Other User" button if you have that button enabled (in the "Login" system preferences). Of course, you must use the short name when logging in as there is no longer a "real name" for this user.
Okay... This is all well & good in 10.2 Jaguar, but the OTHER no longer shows up in 10.3 Panther.

This got me in a lot of trouble because I logged in as root, and then started a backup copy of my tommywillb user's home directory.

While waiting for the copy I enabled & used Fast User Switching... Unfortunately I could NOT login as root and I didn't dare login at tommywillb while making a copy of that home directory.

Sure I could have re-logged in as root IF I had enabled the l chosen the "Name & password" option... but I didn't... So I was stuck on the login screen with only TommyWillB's picture... and NO OTHER!

This seems like a bug to me, so I'm going to submit this to Apple.