Invisible hard drive problem!!!!


Hi there!
Sorry to re-post, but I can't believe that the guru's here havent had any suggestions in days.
Please Help! :eek:
Just imported user from another hard drive using Migrate assistant. Now Hard Drives do not show up at all. Not on desktop or Column view. Preferences set to show hard drives.
Hard Drives show up on Disk Utility and I can select them in start-up disk utility. There are two firewire and one internal drive. All same symptoms. OS 10.4.8 The drives will start up just fine. Even the drive I am started up from is invisible.
I have repaired disk permissions and repaired all disks using disk utility.
If I search for the drive names using spotlight they are found as folders. I can access the files on them. I can't save files to them. When they do show up in the list they are greyed out.
Thanks for your help.
They show up in Disk Utility which means OS X sees them — have you highlighted the invisible ones and clicked Mount?
Something else to try if they _are_ mounted but still invisible in the Finder... Open and write "ls /Volumes/" without the quotes and hit return. It should return the names of mounted volumes. If they _do_ show up there, get rid of the Finder's preferences.
Another thing to try: Create a new test user account and see if they show up when logged in there.
Before you go to any great lengths ... I would zap the PRAM and do a Restart with an fsky or use Applejack. Occasionally an Open Firmware startup not only clears the nv-ram but a host of naggy little problems. And run Disk Warrior. That and clean the heck out of yr system with MainMenu. ... After that, it's worth making that new user account.
Hi there!
I started with the easiest and worked my way down.
have you highlighted the invisible ones and clicked Mount?
They already showed mounted. Only option was to Unmount.
If they _do_ show up there, get rid of the Finder's preferences.
Maybe I did not do this right. I could only find "Account preferences" is there a different Finder Preferences???
zap the PRAM Open Firmware startup After that, it's worth making that new user account.
I don't know how to do those other things.
I will internet search fsky or use Applejack and MainMenu.
Thank you for your posts. If you can think of more I'd appreciate it.
Finder preferences;

Located in User/Library/Preferences
no luck with trashing preferences.
If I do an archive and install what happens to the stuff for all my applications?
Will I lose all my registration for plug-ins and on-line purchased software?