invoke login at startup


Hi Mac Dudes and Dudettes

I am having trouble logging on. I am set up for automatic login, but after the blue screen with the osX logo and progress bar are complete, the computer reverts to a blue screen. I think that if I can invoke the login window, I will be able to login as root and solve the problem then. Is there anyway to startup with login window, even though it is set for auto logon?

Well, it sounds like loginwindow itself is hosed. Probably the closest you're going to get is booting in single user mode (Command-S at startup.) You'll get a root shell, and that's about it. Or you can do a verbose startup (Command-V) and look for any insightful error messages.

By any chance, was this problem caused by trying to re-theme the OS? I messed mine up pretty badly when I was tinkering with that stuff. You might be able to repair things without reinstalling if that's the case.