IP configuration issues


hi, I just received our ibook G4 back from repair, I'm not too good with macs. I'm having a problem connecting to the internet, airport connects to the network, but the IP address that it is assigned is not right, starts with a 169.xxx.xxx.xxx instead of the usual 192.xxx.xxx.xxx, I'm wondering how to change so it automatically retrieves the proper IP. Thanks.
Under the network pane in the system preferences. Configure the wireless card to "Using DHCP". I think though that the base station might not be handing out IP numbers and that might be where the problem lies.
Was set to that. Would still give that random IP. Tried to set it manually using DHCP. That did not help either.
DO you have any encryption set on that wireless router? If so, then you need to configure your Airport card on your iBook to use the encryption needed to associate and authenticate to that wireless router. Once it's done this, you'll receive a proper IP address if DHCP is configured correctly on the router.