Do not read this sign.
I use Brickhouse to configure my firewall, and although I explicitly allow for incoming UDP traffic on port 137, such traffic gets routinely blocked. My firewall lines look like this:
The line in bold I think ought to allow udp traffic from port 137. Seems pretty explicit, but my log shows that such traffic is routinely blocked.
Does anyone have any ideas about what's going on here?
Does anyone have any better success stories than this?
% sudo ipfw list
01000 allow ip from any to any via lo0
01002 allow tcp from any to any established
01003 allow ip from any to any frag
01004 allow icmp from any to any icmptype 3,4,11,12
01011 unreach host log ip from any to any ipopt ssrr,lsrr
02000 allow udp from any 67-68 to any 67-68 via en0
02001 allow ip from any to via en0
02002 allow udp from any 123 to any 123 via en0
02003 allow icmp from any to any via en0
02004 allow tcp from any 20 to any in recv en0
02005 allow udp from any to any 53 out xmit en0
02006 allow udp from any 53 to any in recv en0
[b]02007 allow udp from any to any 137 in recv en0[/b]
02007 allow udp from any 137-139 to any out xmit en0
02008 allow tcp from to any 137-139 in recv en0
02008 allow tcp from any 137-139 to out xmit en0
52009 allow ip from any to any out xmit en0
52010 deny log ip from any to any in recv en0
65535 allow ip from any to any
Does anyone have any ideas about what's going on here?
Does anyone have any better success stories than this?