Iphone App Needed


I've cruised a little bit but I thought I would ask.

In the company I work, I can get mail in the Mail application on my iPhone but not via the Mail.app application on my Mac. The iPhone uses Exchange. I've tried to do the same steps on my Mac. The company says it will not work and, sure enough, I can't get it to work.


So, what I'd like is an app on my iPhone that would wake up every 15 minutes and move mail from one folder on one server to another folder on a different server. The same process that a person can do by hand -- except I want it automatic.

So far, I've not found an app that does this.

I am a developer, I know javascript, Ruby, C blah blah blah. I have no fear of learning Dash (is that the name of it?) but I do rather dread coming up to speed with the developers tools (XCode) on the Mac. Plus, I don't know for sure that an app on iOS can drive another app. e.g. the same concept as the Automator on the Mac. Or if the Mail application on the iPhone can be scripted.

Does anyone have a suggestion for an existing app to try? Or a suggestion on how to get started writing my own?
As best I can. This is giant-mega-corp. We have a "help" desk which doesn't help in this case. I am asking on some internal forums we have. I'm not the only person in this boat. So the only replies I get on the internal forums is "Please let me know if you figure this out!" type of thing.

I plan on spending some part of the day today understanding why an iPhone can connect via Microsoft Exchange but a Mac can not. I hope to sniff the packets going back and forth but I believe everything will be using https so I won't be able to see much.

The official UI for corporate mail is a web page (or your iPhone mail). Things like search via the web page are dreadfully slow compared to the Mac's spotlight capability and, of course, a lot of other features in Mail that I've grown accustomed to.
I have the same problem with my work IT and emails from work. I can get the emails on my iPhone, but I have to use web mail on my Mac. If I have to move emails, I wait until I can get into webmail. I have given up trying to change things. I get told it is a security issue.

Of course I should know better than to get my work IT people to be proactive. I get alert blasts that I should not update my iPad or Mac due to some security issue a week after I had already installed the update. But I never get an email giving the okay to update.
Last weekend I rigged up my iPhone to go through my laptop and fired up wireshark to watch the packets. There are options to not use https which helped. Long story short, when the iPhone connects to a Microsoft Exchange server, it appends a list of options to the URL. One is device type = iPhone. I tried to fake it out with the URL that the Mac uses but I never got it to work. The first chit chat is unencrypted but it redirects to other URLs that are encrypted. I assume that the second layer probably reconfirms the device type which isn't something I'm able to muck with from the Mac's Mail application.

So I hit upon the idea of getting another app and maybe I could muck with it. I tried an app called Newton. It use to be called something CloudMagic I think. I discovered that when it connects it does not go to the URL that you asked for at all but instead it goes to an address that CloudMagic owns. More than likely it will forward it to the final destination and then monitor the traffic as it flows back and forth. So... I quickly deleted that app. Its unfortunate that such activity isn't illegal. It should be.
It does seem a bit overkill to use an app that filters your device’s connections through their server when all you want to do is monitor your own activity.

We use to be able to monitor the activity of Mail but now most of that is hidden.