iPhone SDK on Tiger?

#1 Rhapsody

Mac Guru
Is it somehow possible to use the iPhone SDK on Tiger? I don't have any Intel Macs, only PowerPC. Also is there a way to use Visual Basic.NET on the iPhone? My friend has an iPod Touch and he knows Visual Basic.

#1 Rhapsody
Sorry, but unfortunately it's not possible to use X-Code + the iPhone SDK on Tiger. I pasted this from my iPhone Connection Page:

Use Software Update to install Mac OS X v10.5.5 before installing iPhone SDK for iPhone OS 2.2.1(added 1/27/2009)
iPhone OS 2.2.1 for iPod touch and iPhone is available through iTunes (installation of iTunes 8 is required)

No Tiger then...

The iPhone works using Cocoa Touch, which is Cocoa but without the NS (for example NSTextField), but uses a UI (UITextField). Also, the frameworks required are only included when installing X-Code for the iPhone, since this isn't possible on Tiger, this means a no go. Visual Basic is not possible on the iPhone as far as I am aware.

You need to consider upgrading to 10.5.5 in order to use X-Code 3.2.1.

P.S It makes no difference if your Processor is PowerPC or Intel, X-Code will work on any processor.
and this is from the PDF Read Me File:
Compatibility with Mac*OS*X Versions
iPhone SDK requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Leopard version 10.5.4 or
later. Xcode 3.1.2 is also available separately for Mac-only development and is
compatible with Intel and PowerPC Macs running Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 and later.