Iphoto 1.1

The iPhoto ReadMe states the following key improvements:

• email your photos using Apple Mail
• adjust brightness and contrast to improve the appearance of your photo
• retain and display EXIF data (image and camera information about each photo)
• automatically create an album by dragging a folder of photos into the Photo Library list
• import directly from a Photo CD or Picture CD
• import a group of photos as separate film rolls by dragging a folder with subfolders into the photo viewing area
• set your desktop image from within iPhoto
• set your screen saver from within iPhoto

Guess i answered my own question.
neither the MacNN or the versiontracker link works anymore ar what ? And I can't find it in the Apple site ? Is there another way to find the update ?
iPhoto crashes with the number of files I try to pour into it. I have thousands of large images. Plus, I have so many sub-folders to sort the images, it is unable to categorize them for me. Too bad, looks nice.
I used the dragging method to import several folders that have multiple subfolders in them. Worked flawlessly.
Bugs I'm seeing so far.

The "Make Desktop" doesn't work.

When browsing for photos after selecting "import" from the File menu some of the directories are not displayed or cause iPhoto to crash if there are too many photos in them.

Large photos seem to also cause the program to crash frequently.

That's it so far, still looking into others.