iPhoto 5 Improvements and Bugs


ill never 4get watsisname
For general iLife '05 bitches and moans

I have to say iPhoto 5 is great! It seems much faster and being able to handle movies is great. I haven't fully tested it but one of the gripes i have is that smart-albums dont work - at all.

I went through and put catagories on all (well most) of my photos and how when I try to create a smart list - and nothing happens.


I was really looking forward to that feature!

Also it not as intuitative as i had hoped for creating and assigning/removing categories to/from photos.

The speed improvement is great though - i can notice it on my PB550
RAW is great - hopefully i can get a camera that uses it!
Movies - YAY - my most requested feature, everything that comes off the camera should be kept together in the same place.
Custom slides shows - I wonder if these will syc with ipod photo?

Off-shoot of movies in iphoto, what about movies on ipod-photo? If they are now supported in iphoto why not ipod. Im not talking about feature films but 2 min clips taken on digital camera. (please dont make this a massive war like other threads ::ha:: )

Your thoughts - experiences
At first my iPhoto 5 was crashing a lot, I trashed its pref file, and now it operates like a charm.

And no problem with smart albums, or hierarchical folders. Very good evolution. The new triming pane is well thought.

And of course I have ideas for new features for iPhoto 6 :-)
I guess the inclusion of 'movies' (you can feed iPhoto movies you want, not just from camera) directs us, albeit slowly, to a more complete media container application. And if the iPod can only play 'small' movies in the future, I guess the step to playing longer movies isn't that big any more.

Right now everything falls into place for me. Just bought a brandnew Sony DSC-P150 and let somebody shoot my poetry slam performances with it. Sure, they're not DV quality, but they're great to give people an impression of the events (much better than just still photos and/or sound bytes) - and as I create albums of such shows, I'm glad the movies are included in the same 'film rolls'. Makes sense to me. Good one, Apple...

Btw.: iPhoto 5 doesn't crash for me much (I had it crash 2 times now) and not more than iPhoto 4. And its new features alone are worth the upgrade to iLife '05.
bit of a shame the movies are not played in a slideshow - they are skipped right over
You're right. They could make them show up as a picture in a slideshow, the slideshow would stop shortly and give a button to actually play the movie and one to skip to the next photo... Well, I guess we'll see more of it in iPhoto 6 or earlier... Right now, it's just to accomodate the fact that many digicams _do_ offer MPEG-1 movie recording.