iPhoto Images Won't Display


I'm not sure exactly what I did, here, but in the last month or so I've noticed that entirely too many of my photos no longer display as thumbnails and some won't even display. All I see is a gray, dashed outline. When "editing" the photo I see a bang (!) in the center of the gray, dashed outline.

When viewing the thumbnails, if I move the slider to change the scale of the thumbnails the photos are visible during the action, but as soon as I release the slider the photo disappears and the outline is back.

If I click the "Show File" option, Finder is opened and the file does exist.

Can I do anything to get these photos back in iPhoto? I deleted on and tried to reimport it, but I got an "unreadable" error. That particular photo had been modified in iPhoto. I've tried "Reverting to Original" on those files that have been modified, but that didn't help either.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like you have done some work in the iPhoto Library under Finder. Messing about with the photos that way will ALWAYS create havoc, which you have found out. Pretend that file does not exist and do any and all work on your photos from within iPhoto app.

Now, having said that, I'm not sure what will help you. If you have reimported and have not successfully restored your library, I don't know where to tell you to go from here. Someone that knows more than I will have to help. Do you have a backu from before you started messing in finder (assuming that is what actually happened to cause your problem)?
I don't recall doing anything in finder (except selecting photos for sending or displaying elsewhere), but it's certainly possible. What steps should I go through to reimport? I tried one image that I had modified in iPhoto and it didn't work, but maybe I need to try it on a larger scale.
