iPhoto/Movie in SW update

iMovie 3 is 85 MB....thats pretty big for modem users....the iMovie 2 on my hard drive is only 28.6 MB, there must be a lot of improvements.
Makes buying the iLife cd more attractive.
Actually the iMovie program code itself is probably more like 10 MB or so, it's the extra languages you don't use (like Chinese/Russian/etc.) that take up lots of space, often more than the program itself. (iPhoto is about 30 MB before language removal, about 11 MB after (i think)).
Remember that this version of iMovie has a lot of high quality Skywalker Sound sound effects built in though and I imagine other extras take up a lot of space. (Maybe it comes with a tutorial movie?)
After playing with the "Burns" effect for only 5 minutes Imovie quit so fast my head spinned.
No unexpected quit message either. Now i know why it's version 3.01 and why it's a week late.
iPhoto is a lot more responsive. it doesnt take forever as it did before to start up and show the library. now it's quite fast. what annoys me is that it still doesnt remember which photo-collection I was in when I quit. The buttons are the sam type that is featured in Safari. that scares me cuz that means that the next iTunes will also feature that set. i really like the more rendered-looking buttons that are now.
besides that i think the icons in iphoto looks sharper than in prevoius versions.
what is the deal iMovie is incrediblly slow and unresponsive! It is so damn slow it takes at least 30 seconds from the time I press play for it to respond. I WANT iMOVIE 2 back, this is truly awful!
And just noticed that you can have different music tracks saved to the different photo-collections. imovie seems fast to me.
if you have the jaguar cd, download a shareware program called pacifist. it's a package manager program that will let you pick and choose which parts of a package to extract and/or install.

insert the 2nd disk of jaguar, and drag the "additional packages.pkg" file onto pacifist. then just dig up the iMovie file, and selct 'install'.

it should do the rest for you. just make sure that you overwrite any files you install...otherwise you may have a screwy iMovie on your hands.
Brilliant my friend, you have saved me, thank you!! That is a truly fantastic little app. I am sooo happy to be back to iMovie 2.