iPhoto/Movie in SW update

whats so awful about iMovie 3 ? its slow? in what way is it slow. loading time?
maybe u can explain when making such comments
load time is around 30-45 seconds... window resizing seems to be a bit slow as well.

i dunno, just kind of sluggish all around. also, i got a few crashes while doing some simple transitions.

just a personal prefrence.
i see u have an iMac with 768 ram.

well i have a Power Mac 933mghz. 1.25GB ram

i just finished downloadin iMovie. and without restarting and while i had 3 other apps open. it took less than 5 secs to open it and press the button CREAT PROJECT :)

u got 30-45 secs? i guess somethings wrong with ur mac :)
perhaps so. thats why i said that for *me*, its just giving me problems. a few others on other boards have expressed the same problem, so i guess i'll just try again at another time.

i'm going to reinstall os x in a few weeks (clean install), so that should take care of any lingering problems i may have caused.
Can someone from outside the US or Canada, tell me if it is now possible to order prints & books of your images via iPhoto 2, it wasnt possible in version 1.
To answer your question stealth, it is not a problem with my mac, Mac users all over are experiencing this horribly sluggish eperience with iMovie 3. Many many people are not happy about iMovie 3. Take a look at the threads at macrumors.com and the Apple.com threads. Something is screwy with the app. Until Apple fixes this I am satified with iMovie 2. "If it aint broke, dont fix it."
To my knowledge it is not possible to order prints outside the US. Apple sort it out, the way the US economy is going at the moment it may only be people outside the US who can afford it!.
iMovie 3 loads 2-3 secs slower than iMovie 2... Never crashed on me and I did 2 videos 1-hour long video editing with transitions and everything but for the DVD chapters and iDVD export in general the app warns that iDVD 3 must be installed while for the iPhoto's 2 Slideshows it doesn't (it works just fine with iDVD 2 :confused: )...

For people who don't know this you can keep BOTH iMovie 2 & 3 installed as long as you have them in different folders ;)

Although the app seems to be slower than iMovie 2, some of the new things it does simply rule! iDVD export at once and Chapter markers are simply God send :D

Anyways, the strange thing for me is how come that Final Cut Pro 3.0.4 & iMovie 3.0.1 seem to load almost the same... :( With iMovie 2 I thought that "hey! it is simply a carbon app or something" but now?

However, iMovie does some amazing things which in order for someone to do in FCP needs loads of free time ;)

iPhoto 2 is ok... iMovie 3 is ok... I can't wait for iDVD 3 + the new iTunes!

I tried iMovie 3 and iPhoto 2 with iMac G3/500MHz/512RAM and eMac G4/700MHz/256RAM and there I found almost the same... Although, not under real work stressing like in my TiBook...

Last, for people complaining about speed in general: Download all the latest and greatest updates (10.2.3, QT6.1, etc.) and if these will not help try to repair the system privileges by booting from OS X.2 Install CD 1 + give a shot by updating the Prebindings and let me know :cool:

The best feature in these 2 iApps can be found in their Application menu: "Provide iApp Feedback"...

Hint-hint-hint :D
Well i downloaded iPhoto 2 in the hope that I (i dont live in the US or Canada) may be able to order print or a book of my images but sadly it is still only available to folks in the US & Canada.
Also my camera the Ricoh RDC 5300 isnt supported in iPhoto (not apple's fault...i blame Ricoh, they have no palns to support this model in OSX....keep it in mind when buy a camera ).
But i was able to send some feedback to apple via their iphoto feedback page.
which made me feel a little better.
On a more possitive note the "enhance" feature is very good.