Iphoto question


Ok so this is prolly a stupid question, but i just can seem ti figure it out.

Well there was this podcast, where they used Iphoto to show pictures in a slide show, and they showed this option where it like zoomed out and there was 4 or 6 pictures on screen you could then jump to. The effect kind of reminded me of the Ichat effect when there comes multiple users in to a video chat session!

I dont know if any of you understood any of that, and it may have been me seeing things.
Yes, there is a full screen mode in iPhoto, and it includes the ability to select multiple photos and see them all at once. The button to go into full-screen is on the bottom left. Once in full screen, touch your mouse to the top of the screen to see a strip of your photos, and you can multiple-select by holding the command key while clicking photos. The ones you select will display side-by-side.

There are two other spots in Mac OS X you might see something like this: The "Slideshow" mode in Mail lets you see all the images that someone has sent you in an email, and has an animated "zoom out to contact sheet" <> "zoom into an image" behaviour. Also, there is a nearly identical function in the Spotlight search window (click the "play" shaped button on the "Images" heading when you have multiple images in the results).