iPhoto Questions

Bruno Schull


I'm a new user and I have a few questions about iPhoto.

1) I would like to configure the slideshow so that it plays automatically with no music and no fancy dissolve/fade effects. I know how to configure the slideshow each time I create a show, but how can I make the changes global, or automatic, so that I don't have to make the same changes over and over (and so that I don't have to hear the annoying default music when I forget to turn it off)?

2) Can I configure the toolbar on the bottom of the iPhoto screen so that it does not show options like cards, calendars, and books...I will never ever use these options, and I would like a cleaner work area.

3) In the preferences menu, what is the signifigance of the option, "copy files to iphoto library folder when adding to library"?

Thanks so much for your help and for supporting this great site.

1) When you create a slide show, the settings you select are included in the slideshow that is created in the sidebar.

If you reselect the slideshow from the sidebar, it will have whatever settings you chose for it. There doesn't seem to be a way to change the default settings for new slideshows.

2) I don't think they can be removed.

3) If the "copy..." is checked, the photos are copied into the iPhoto library, leaving the originals where they were. Unchecked, photos will be moved into the iPhoto library and only accessible from there.