

I have a 30 gb ipod video. I've gotten a FEW photos to move onto it, but many won't go. I'm using an old version - iphoto 2.0 Are my photos too big? Or do they need to be saved with a certain suffix? Some .jpgs will go, but not all. ?????????????

Also, what program do you use to get video onto this sucker? Do they need to be Quicktime or DVD?

Does anyone know of a free download for iphoto 4? Or even 3?

iPhoto is not free. You must purchase the iLife software suite in order to upgrade to a later revision of iPhoto (not counting incremental updates, like from iPhoto 2 to iPhoto 2.0.x, which are available via Software Update).

I thought that iPhoto 3 was the minimum version of iPhoto to support putting photos on the iPod (even though you use iTunes to do the photo transfer), although Apple's site doesn't seem to list a minimum version.

You can use a program called iSquint (available from versiontracker.com) to convert videos for use on the iPod.
drop the (compatible) video's into iTunes and they will be added to the ipod

iTunes controls all things going through to the ipod at the end of the day.
It's probably not the photos at all; rather, the photo database. iTunes uses iPhoto's database to manage and transfer photos, and for the last few iPhoto updates, the database itself has changed format (hence, when you launch a newly updated version of iPhoto, there is an "updating photo database" procedure you must endure).

If iTunes doesn't understand the older database format, then it can cause unpredictable results, like certain photos not transferring, etc.
I don't know for sure or not if you need to upgrade iPhoto -- it was just speculation. There could very well be something wrong with those photos that don't transfer, although I would suspect your iPhoto version first and foremost.
*wink wink nod nod* look at the iPod preference pane in iTunes you can upload picture from a folder instead of iPhoto