

Hi there. I got a new digital camera. It uploads pic fine. But iPhoto only keeps those pics that it uploads in the library. It won't let me put other photos that I have into the library (not the folder...the library on the iPhoto application). I'm trying to put pics from the folder into the iPhoto app, so I can see them and edit/email/whatever them if I want. I hope someone follows. lol. Thanks for reading! :)
PS: when I try to import to the library it just tells me there might be invalid data or is unrecognizable.
All photos that are imported into iPhoto are always in the Library (album) until they are literally deleted from iPhoto. So if you're trying to import photos that are already present in the Library, iPhoto will just ignore them except on newer versions where it will prompt you and ask you if you want to import duplicates.

If that's not the issue, perhaps you need to rebuild your iPhoto Library/databaser. To accomplish this, quit out of iPhoto if you have it open then re-open iPhoto with the COMMAND (apple) and OPTION keys held down. iPhoto will ask you if you want to perform various maintenance tasks. You probably want to just go ahead and do them all.
PS: when I try to import to the library it just tells me there might be invalid data or is unrecognizable.

this means that they may not be real picture files, or are of a format that iphoto doesn't do. what kind of files are they anyway?