It's kind of involved, so ill start from the beginning. I downloaded the new versions of itunes recently and installed it with no problems. Around the same time, i also put a bunch of new music in itumes (over the 15 gb limit) When i plugged in my ipod it said that since there wasnt enough room for all the music to fit, it would create a playlist with the songs that could. When it was done updating it worked fine and i noticed that a playlist was created in my itunes library as well as my ipod with all the new songs. I didn't think anything of it, so i deleted this playlist from itumes. It think this was a mistake, because when i tried to update my ipod again, that there was some sort of error. So i reset and there was nothing. I restored my ipod and there was nothing. Now its to the point that when plug in my ipod when itunes is running, a message comes up that says this ipod needs to be formatted with pc and it asks if i would like to update it now. When i got to the current update screen, it only allows me to restore my ipod, and when i retore it it doesn't help and starts the same process over again. I'm not sure what else to do. I am running the new updater as well as the new version of itunes(itunes 6, i believe). I have reset, restored, redownloaded updater and itunes. i feel like i've sone everything. I hope i gave enough information so you can help me. thanks a lot!