iPod between Two Users


Awaiting Panther
Hi, we just got an iPod for Christmas, however, we face a certain predicament on our iMac. We have two user accounts, and would like to have the combination of both iTunes libraries on it, but it'll only let one iTunes library on at a time. Is there a way of doing this that is more convenient than just editing the Music folder permissions and dragging the songs onto the other user's account too?
Whoops, that's a 'feature' to prevent easily copying among multiple iTunes. Helps keep Apple from having quick lawsuits from the DCMA people, naw, I don't agree with it either.
I have a proposition:
make a new user, or use one of the two you already have if you don't want to make a new one, and add all the music into one library so you can have all the songs on the ipod.
There's a folder inside the USERS folder... it's called "SHARED". If I were in your situation, I'd tell iTunes that the music is to be kept inside that folder. Your music and his/hers. After telling iTunes that, I'd move all the music into that folder. Then I'd clear the current playlist and create a new one that includes the MP3s of both. Would that work?
That should work, Dusky; geez they could at least limit the iPod's file sharing to one system serial number -.-;;
Originally posted by Dusky
There's a folder inside the USERS folder... it's called "SHARED". If I were in your situation, I'd tell iTunes that the music is to be kept inside that folder...
Alternately you could make a Unix symbolic links to some other shared folder that has sufficient priveledges for both users to read/write.

I guess you could also just create a folder at the root (outside of the Users area) to hold your tunes and point iTunes there...