iPod Changes? Price? Size?


Anyone hear if the iPod is going to take a nose dive on price yet or a revision to the lineup which perhaps would push the 5 gig price down? I want to get one but 300 dollars is a little out of my budget reach.

Wait for those who wants to upgrade to the new iPods (heard that it might be hitting 50GB) so you can have a chance to get one for a better price. I am also using a used set.

New models are not very likely as no HD manufacturers have announced larger 1,8" drives yet. We might see a slight price drop, though :)
The iPod is in for a change. There'll be a new high end model. The 5G model will likely vanish completely with the 10G taking over the 'low end' price.

In any case: I'd wait for Jan. 7 for ANY Apple product. Even if the model you're interested in is not likely to change now (PowerBooks, iBooks), we never KNOW what's about to change when Steve is about to enter the stage.

ksv is right, though, 1.8" HDs are still at 20G maximum. However, Steve might have talked Toshiba into silence until Jan. 7...
I too would wait on Apple products IF you really want the latest and greatest stuff. I really have no need for any new 20 gig or color iPod, so I went ahead and ordered my 10gig (If only it would just get to the states; its on a plane from Taiwan).

Originally posted by rhale1
I too would wait on Apple products IF you really want the latest and greatest stuff. I really have no need for any new 20 gig or color iPod, so I went ahead and ordered my 10gig (If only it would just get to the states; its on a plane from Taiwan).


but , by waiting, isn't there a chance that item u wanted could've been cheaper within 2 weeks?! :confused:
but , by waiting, isn't there a chance that item u wanted could've been cheaper within 2 weeks?! 

Well, yeah. But I really didn't pay for my iPod. It is a collective amount from Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, etc. Besides, I've been waiting for one for quite a while (If only it would get off that FedEx flight from Taiwan :D)
hahaha, i can imagine what its like ... this week i nearly ordered an iMac, then i thought, NO BE STRONG, hold out! ... but i forgot i am going away 2 america in March, maybe i'd do well 2 wait til i get back after that... thats some Wait! :(

I too am waiting. I got enough money for one this christmas and it's just killing me. I trust, however, that the 10 gig will most likely become the low end model. Even if they came down by 50 bucks that'd be nice. I don't want a 5 because I'm not fond of the moving parts scroll wheel. Plus the 10 is obviously double the size and its thinner. The leather case and controller is an incentive as well. But the real reason I might as well be waiting is because of the mp4 support. I encoded a 13 MB mp3 into mp4 at the 112kbps setting and I couldn't notice a difference in audio quality. I did notice that the file size of the mp4 was 4.4 MB! So, in theory, the 10gig iPod will be able to hold way over 2000 songs when we can use iTunes to mass produce our mp4's.

Sleepless till the 9th! --Ryan
From what I understand, an iPod Software Update will/could add support for MP4, just as the current one added Smart Playlists and Audible.com support, so really, I have a 10 Gig iPod that «should» be upgradable. Fryke may want to correct me if I misunderstand this.

I'm still not sure exactly how AAC would be implemented. If the iPod's chipset _can_ play it reasonably well with a software update, that's just dandy, but I'm not sure about it myself. My guess, though, is that Apple anticipated MPEG-4 even when they made the iPod. I sure hope so. ;)

Btw: The case is good, but it's not leather.
on slashdot.org there is a story about new 1.8 inch hard drives up to 80 gigs coming out soon. So the ipod could jump in size once more, but who really needs a 60 gig mp3 player?
Originally posted by r4bid
on slashdot.org there is a story about new 1.8 inch hard drives up to 80 gigs coming out soon. So the ipod could jump in size once more, but who really needs a 60 gig mp3 player?

LOL! I remember thinking... Who'd need 1Gb Hard Discs, Who'd need a 1Mb Graphics Card!

Actually, with a larger harddrive, you could start storing higher quality files - maybe even direct rips of the CD!

AIFF files - WOOT.
Of course, they'd need to upgrade the memory that buffers the music so the harddrive isn't spinning the whole time..

Regardless, I do like to encode files at 192kbps, so the "1000 songs in your pocket" never applied to me. ^_~ Although, its nice to tell how many songs i have, even if its only like.. 600 or so..
My point is that you have no need for highly encoded files on the ipod. Are you going to go and spend in excess of 200 dollars to get headphones to hear that high quality sound? I doubt that you or the average consumer really cares enough to go and purchase high quality headphones over the ones that come with the ipod or maybe some slightly upgraded ones. Why would apple increase there cost to produce it when the average consumer will reap no benefits?