iPod concern and question



I love my iPod. I don't know how to live without it anymore. But I have run into problems. It seems to no longer hold a charge. I charged it completely one day. Unplugged it over night. Went rollerblading the next morning, and it went from a full batter down to empty battery in 5 songs.... :'( I can't live like that.

Is there a way I can get a new battery for it? Is there anything I can do?

I think I have answered my own question. So I will post it in case anyone else runs into this problem.

I did two things, and I am not sure which one fixed it. First thing I did was format my iPod and reinstalled the software. Then put all the music and contacts and cal stuff back on. Then when I was searching the knowledge base on apple.com I found battery instructions. It says not to operate the iPod under 30 degrees temp. Well When I rollerblade here in Philly it is cold. And I keep my iPod in the front strap (the cell phone holder) of my sling bag. So the iPod got very cold. When I went out this time I wrapped it up to keep it warm and put in the back of my bag where the wind would not hit it. And it has not had a problem!


i've noticed when i leave my ipod in the car overnight in the winter, the battery drains immediately. it won't boot when it's cold (system folder alert icon shows up) so i have to warm it up and then do a hard reset. that makes it work ^_^.
The temp thing is good to know I am getting ready to buy one and I live in Ohio where it actually snowed all day today.