iPod Firmware 1.2?


s|hatfield not shat|field
I've heard that the installer for the iPod 1.2 firmwire update is on CDs coming with the new iPods.

If anyone would be kind enough to post it on their website (preferably one which wouldn't die easily :D), that would be groovy.

Does anyone know when it will be put on Apple's website?
My guess is around 10.2's release date. Because the calender is useless (i think) with-out iCal. But i can't wait for smart playlists!

And are the new iPods out already?

This guy wrote about how he just got his 20GB iPod today (8/02/2002), and how the firmware was on the iPod *and* the CD.

I'm guessing that other people have gotten their new iPods too, and would thus have the installation CD.


Cool, isn't it?
Interesting. Hopefully the update is coming soon then. There's no reason Apple would give it to some and not others. Course they are doing weird things these days.

does the remote only work with the new ipods? im guessing "yes" because i can't think of any place on the old ones that the remote could plug in....
From what I understand, Apple has built remote-capabilities into all iPods. The headphone jack supports digital communication in addition to audio. In other words, you'll plug the remote into your mini-plug jack and plug your headphones into the remote... it's a special kind of digital interface that started showing up in similar products a few years ago.
There have been rumors about the iPod remote since the iPod first came out. This is beacuse there have been remote capabilities and a remote port since it first came out. It was even rumored that they were originally going to ship with the remote, but were taken out before shipping. This is why in the iPod's box there was one hole with nothing in it. But that's just a rumor.

Anyway what I'm saying is, yes you can buy an iPod remote by itself and it will work with your original 5 or 10 gig iPod. You can get it HERE.
If you look at any iPod, even the old ones, you notice around the headphone jack is another circle that goes in and has some contacts in it, this is where the remote plugs into. I kinda was wishing for a firewire remote, as that seems like it would have more possibilites, and ive heard that the firmware will be released on monday