Switched the Other Way
I just got off the phone with an Apple Tech Support rep, because I was having a weird problem with my iPod where the battery meter randomly fluctuates between 50% and full.
Anyway, he said that that particular problem was a software issue and would be addressed by an upcoming software update
! I tried to subtley ask when that little update might be coming our way and he started to say something, stuttered, and then said (quite forced-ly) "I couldn't tell you that..." But I think I heard an "m" sound right when he started talking, so maybe he was about to say a month? I hope so... but I also hope Apple includes a lot more than that graphical waveform thing that someone posted last week on that foreign mac site. (that was probably fake anyway, since when does Apple release software updaters outside of the US first? no offense to foreigners on this board intended of course
but doesn't Apple always shaft the poor foreigners with US first updates?)
Anyway I hope they release this update soon (and hopefully the long-rumored remote as well?) by the Expo, if not sooner
by the way, the picture is from that foreign site - probably a fake, but who knows,
Anyway, he said that that particular problem was a software issue and would be addressed by an upcoming software update

Anyway I hope they release this update soon (and hopefully the long-rumored remote as well?) by the Expo, if not sooner
by the way, the picture is from that foreign site - probably a fake, but who knows,