iPod - Generation


Find a golden apple.
Somthing id really like to see from Apple is this:

The next Generation "iPod"

iPod: (Hardware)
> 60GB +
> Camera/Lens
> Touch Screen Like a PDA
> Bluetooth
> Mobile Phone technology
> Video camera (if possible)

iPod: (Software)
> Mac OS X (A smaller PDA like version)
> iTunes for iPod
> iPhoto for iPod
> QuickTime for iPod
> Another i/app for phone conferencing
> iCal for iPod
> Text edit, etc...

I hate carrying my mobile (cell phone) + iPod + digital camera + PDA + Video camera everywhere at the same time. I want it all to fit in my pocket.

To take an iPhoto after a long jog and send it to a friend via MMS before listening to iTunes for 1/2 an hour, to take or make a phone call. or to capture one of those rare moments, and when you say "i wish i had a camera" you will know what i mean.;)

To have the most logical and usable PDA in the world with a powerful operating system and most IMPORTANTLY to have a proper reason to have a PDA. ;)

Full Compatability with other machines eg Windflows XP "out of my @$$"......:cool:

So, of course, to switch them over to Apple for ever.:D

What do you think?:rolleyes:

What kind of effect would this have on those markets?:rolleyes:

Id like to here what you think, but all i know is id love one.. :)
And the estimated cost os the new iPod/camera/video/phone/pda?? Couple of hundred dollars maybe? :)

Would be cool to have a MiniOSX for PDAs tho.
iPod is a media player device.

What you describe is an iBook. You'd have to add the camera and upgrade the harddisk, but it's mainly an iBook. You don't need the touch screen, because it has a keyboard.
i wont mind having the mobile phone integrated in ipod :) i've been using a mobile since 1995 .. and a nokia since 96 but i'd be happy with a very basic phone integrated in ipod ;)
Quicksilver. what u described apart from the fact that it would cost more than $1000, it would also be very large and heavy! 60GB ? i have a 10GB iPOD and its never even half full! what ur describing is similar to what will soon be out by Sony Ericsson, the P800. but with much smaller back up space !
i dont carry my iPOD with me to school everyday and when i carry it id like it to be as light and small as possible and with long battery life. but i DO carry my cell phone all the time with me. thats why wouldnt want my mp3 player loaded with all this stuff!
anyway. if u want somethin like that u can wait for 2-3 years. and maybe then it might show up!
I'm totally happy with what my iPod does. What I would love, though, is something maybe half the size of the iBook as a SUPPLEMENT to my Power Mac G4, not meant to be a replacement, as a regular laptop is. I guess a glorified PDA or something, with a mini-OS X.
One of Steve Jobs' favorite thing to say when discussing the iPod, PDAs, and wireless phones is something to the affect that he doesn't want his TV to be a toaster. In other words, he likes devices that are made to do one thing (and maybe a few little extras) and do it extremely well while being easy to use. While I still don't rule out an Apple wireless phone, I really think it will be an entirely separate device. It however might include a camera function, as those are slowly becoming a standard with next generation color LCD phones. But, Jobs seems pretty insistant that the iPod will remain a media player. Will that move into video as well as audio? Maybe we'll find out soon.
Do one thing and do it well. An example of a product that tries ambitiously to integrated multiple devices is the Panasonic SD-AV10. While it may be small and sleek, it really can't do any one thing well (MP3 player, digital camera, camcorder). The SD card doesn't fit much data for music/video, and the resolutions are quite poor. In the end, it's more of a fashion accessory than a serious electronic device.