iPod ghost

cyprus mac man

Expert Macintosh...er
Hey everyone,

Recently I have been seeing something strange going on with my iPod. I will be out somewhere and when I come back my iPod will be on, with no headphones, playing some random song on it. This morning I found my iPod to be playing one of my playlists, just where I had left it. No one has access to the iPod except me, and I was wondering if anyone else has been having the same problems.

Also, while playing a song, usually every 5 songs, the song will pause for about 3 seconds, and then continue. I don't know why it does it, but by the time I look at the screen, it is already playing again.

My iPod is a 4G 20GB and will be 2 years old in the comming months. Is my iPod possesed by a ghost, or is it just dying, or is it Apple's way of telling me they need more money, and to go out and buy a 5G iPod.

As a general rule, anytime you run into a problem with an iPod, it's Apple's way of saying, "Buy a new iPod."

iPods are, I think, the least fixable devices (note the plural) I've ever owned.
My experience, and that of most iPod owners I know, is that each iPod breaks exactly once in its lifetime, and that marks the end of its lifetime.
Apple's not getting my hard earned money UNTIL the little thing can play movies.

anyway yes, thank you fryke, it was the alarm (stupid me) but that didnt help with the pause in the songs. ALSO, recently (this is on my 4G iPod) i have been opening the game "Music Quiz" and the iPod says that there is no music. now, i know there is caz i am listening to a song when i click Music Quiz, more ghosts, or is Apple getting impatient with me?
I ran into the same problem once (the alarm thing). Freaked me out. Every day I came home, my iPod would be playing (silently) in its dock. Until I remembered that I had set the alarm...