iPod Linux Video Playback?


Yep, That's Me!
I would love to have video play back capabilities on my 1st gen ipod but I can’t figure it out, I have no clue where to start. I don't feel like trying to figure it out because I’m tired, I just started working at sears, full time, and have not been very computer savvy the past couple of months.

So I’m asking if some one could please make an understandable step by guide, it would be a great help.

Oh and I do have Linux on the ipod, but it's real old, do I need to up date. If so, please include this step in the tutorial.

And here is where I found the info. http://ipodlinux.org/Video_Player

Thanks for all your help in advance
The 1G iPod doesn't even have a color display, as far as I know.

And even the new revision of the iPod, now with color screens, don't have video play capability. So, I think, that it's even less possible on the 1G iPod do play videos.
Grayscale iPods
Use the following mencoder command, then run the conversion program on the output of mencoder (the conversion program can be found in the downloads section):
$ mencoder -ovc raw -ofps 15 -nosound -vf scale=160:-2,expand=160:128,format=bgr24 in.avi -o out.avi
$ 2bppconv out.avi ipodmovie.avi

AND (From Web Site)

First/Second Generation

iPod 1G/2G
The 'Scroll Wheel' and 'Touch Wheel' models. Supported by iPodLinux. NOTE: 1.4 Firmware only! See Installation page for details.
Portal Player PP5002
Wolfson Microelectronics WM8721
Renesas HD66753 Graphics LCD Controller/Driver.
Texas Instruments TSB43AA82 firewire PHYS and LINK
MAX115 A2D for battery status
Linear Technology Corp LTC1731 a complete, constant-current/constant-voltage linear charge controller for fast charging of single-cell lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries.
Linear Technology Corp LTC1726 combines the ability to monitor three supply voltages, at 61.5% threshold accuracy, with adjustable reset and watchdog functions.