iPod Mini Software

The deletion of the songs on Tech TV wasn't because of a software error. And as far as I know my facts are "strait".

Call No. 3: iPod mini
Matt in Bronx, N.Y., wants to buy an iPod mini, but he's heard that the device has problems with static in the audio and system freezes. Are the problems fixed?
Coincidentally, as Kevin was preparing his iPod mini for this question, he spontaneously lost all his songs on his iPod.
There's not proof whether it was from software or a system freeze. Without detailing how to incur a freeze, most likely it was a hard reset.

Here's the link.

If you have an update, please post. Otherwise, I stand by my claim straight ahead. ::angel::
Unless it was some rare and catastrophic crash, it must have been operator error. Apple (and most other companies for that matter) don't release products that spontaneously delete data. Tell your friend not to worry, whatever happened there was either amazingly rare, or caused by stupidity on the part of the user.
Its physically impossbile for you to delete all your songs. If there is an option to "format" your iPod, it would double check if you really wanted to do this. So it CANT be user error. Obviously Apple does release unsecure/unreliable software, look at quicktime, first virus for mac in a while. Next digital digs show ill go and talk to kevin about the "user error" and since he is stupid he will probably say "ya its the iPod". lol Whos the one working at TechTV hosting The Screen Savers?
Actually there is a way to completely reset your ipod and delete all your songs without any confirmation. This was built into the the firmare (I believe) incase of a complete software crash or data corruption. I know someone who has accidently done this to their iPod and they called Apple and thats what they were told. I don't remember the exacty way to do it, but it has sometime to do with holding in two buttons for a few seconds and pushing another in a certain order - probably best that you don't know anyway :p. Apple doesn't purposely realease "unsecure/unreliable" software; any software is bound to have bugs and holes because no programmer is perfect. Look at microsoft - bugs galore! Viruses are not Apple's fault, they are the fault of lonely depressed teenagers who want some attentions and find it the only way the y can think of.