iPod music gone, HELP


I wanted to keep all my music on my iPod so i deleted all the music off my computer and the next time i plugged my ipod in it deleted all the music that was on my ipod, what do i do?
I'm pretty sure you're hosed.
If you should choose this route in the future, I'd suggest backing up your tunes to DVDs (or external hard drive) as a precaution, should your iPod have problems.
This could have been avoided by disabling music sync while your ipod was plugged in, and THEN deleting the music from iTunes.
I just recently plugged my iPod into a different computer and, after a few frenzied clicks of the mouse, had the danged thing wipe my iPod. :p
The fix for me was easy, since all I had to do was resync to my primary machine. I know there has to be a way to disable syncing prior to plugging in the ipod, but I just haven't had the chance to look it up...
You can also choose to manually manage your iPod's music library.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. :(
yes. this is something most people only ever do a maximum of once.

the ipod is, at the very least, a possible back-up. it should never be used as the main source of music. when you plugged it in, it synced the iPod with your library, like you wanted it to. unfortunately, it synced with a library that had 0 items, 0:00:00:00 total time and 0gb...