Ipod screen dying?


I've had a 6 gig 2nd Generation IPOD for the last 18 months. Today the screen is so light that I have to get 2 inches from it and look at the right angle just to see anything, but its so light that it unreadable.
I have restored, reset, and updated my IPOD and still can't see the screen. The IPOD is showing up on my computer and ITUNES. Anyone have any ideas on what this could be and how to fix it? I'm worried I may be up the creek... I'll open it up if I have to but I'm hoping their is a less intrusive fix. Thanks in advance for any help.

Fryke, thanks for the response.
I was able to put my IPOD at an angle so I could kind of read the display. I turned the contrast all the way up and turned the backlight on. It's a little better but I still need to have it very close to my face to be able to read it. Any other ideas?