iPod Shuffle to be discontinued/repaced in january?

Or maybe a smal LCD display for it? The fact that the nano has this display distinguishes it from the Shuffle. And a 512MB nano would still be more expensive than a 512 MB shuffle since the screen might take up most of that cost.
I think they should give it a small screen and redesign it, keep it at the same price and call it the ipod pico (one trillionth)
The fact that the Shuffle has no screen, no wheel and is not as glossy makes it attractive to a lot of people. I think that a redesign which preserves those features would be welcome.
well, they better not change it before i get one. i think they are neat becasue of all the ipods, they do the best as a portible drive, no cables needed. load it with music at home, then files at work/school that you need to take home. they are not ment to be a screened ipod subsitute, but used in addition to a bigger ipod.
They could lower pricing. :) I don't see the need for new features with the shuffle, neither do I see the need for more space on those devices (since the nano's there for that). So why redesign it? Just lower the prices.

Although I must say: A 512 MB or 1 GB nano: I would like. :)
I also think their prices just need to be lowered. I was thinking of giving one away for christmas but its just to much for so little.