iPodRocks.com - from Apple for Teens?

Damn, I already have an iPod. I'd love to use one of those coupons for my dad.. He'd love it.

"Apple has created a site to promote the iPod for the holidays.

The new site is located at iPodRocks.com and appears to be aimed at teens. Sections on the new site include:

-What's an iPod?
-How does it Work?
-Convince your Parents
-Where to Buy

It's unclear how Apple is marketing this new site, though Apple has been rumored to be working on a new iPod/iTunes ad campaign for the holidays."

I can't seem to find a link to this site from the Apple web site, but there is definantly a Copyright Apple Computer on the bottom of the page....opinions? Personally, I really like the page, but I am a teenager myself, so I guess Im supposed to :p
Well, teems are one of the biggest consumer groups out there, it's no surprise they'd be marketing toward the young "buy buy buy" people.
I must say I see some graphical glitches that don't look sooooooo Apple Design. Maybe a job done too fast? The idea is great, I think, but the production...
btw.: The Screen Saver works just fine. It's not that good, though. :p ... It's an installer, not a screensaver itself. Which they SHOULD have mentioned...
not for me... it will work in test mode, but not in the actual screen saver. same thing for the tupac screen saver installer... hmm...
There are a bunch of kids at my school I know who have iPods... Probably at least 10... And those are only of the kids I know!
Heh, even I have friends with iPods. It's something just to find another person with a Mac here.
Is that QT of Flash they have used. I saved the intro movie and was able to open it in Flash.

If it is Flash, that is tight how they made it use the QT plug-in, making it appear like QT.
It's QuickTime. QuickTime can also play Flash, but the site is done mainly in QuickTime.

You may have seen other embedded QuickTime stuff at Apple's movie trailers section. Or perhaps when you click on a link to listen to an Apple Expo broadcast or something -- you can tell sometimes by the flesh-colored pointer hand that your cursor turns into instead of the white, gloved hand that comes up over normal HTML/Flash links.