IPSec over TCP/IP? Cisco VPN


official breaker of macs.
the Cisco client for OS X doesn't work in Panther (i'm sure because of the built-in VPN abilities of Panther).
However, in order to connect to the VPN i need to connect to, i need to enable transparent tunnelling via TCP on a specific port. The apple built-in VPN support doesn't have any obvious settings for this-- does anyone know how to perhaps change these settings some other way?
It's a VPN 3000 server that i'm trying to connect to.
I am running it right now. It works fine...

You may just need to upgrade to the newer releases of the VPN client....
are you running the official cisco VPN client or are you using the built in IPSec capabilities of panther? i'm trying both and neither are working for me.
the latest build of CVPN 4.0.2c comes up with a blank error message every time i connect.
i would use the panther one but there's no visible way to change the TCP/IP port it's connecting through.
any ideas?
Originally posted by boi
are you running the official cisco VPN client or are you using the built in IPSec capabilities of panther? i'm trying both and neither are working for me.
the latest build of CVPN 4.0.2c comes up with a blank error message every time i connect.
i would use the panther one but there's no visible way to change the TCP/IP port it's connecting through.
any ideas?

I am using CVPN 4.0.2c with 7B74 and all works well....In fact I use it every day...no errors....

I am using DHCP w/o appletalk and all works well....do you have the built-in FW on?
Now if I can only convince my IT department to allow the client... It's funny, they actually allow LINUX, but I can't imagine that many people in my company are running it on their desktops or laptops, and our engineers never leave the building =)