IRC Client


Getting a bit tired of text-based BitchX, what would you guys say is a state of the art irc client for osx ?
Personally I am a big fan of Snak. I registered it a long time ago after having a lot of stupid little problems with Ircle. Haven't looked back since. =)

dePoPo said:
Getting a bit tired of text-based BitchX, what would you guys say is a state of the art irc client for osx ?
Well, seeing as how they are all bades on the general idea of sharing text with othher people, I guess they are all "Text based", but personally, I find X-Chat Aqua to be the best alternative.

Also, unlike Ircle and Snak, X-Chat Aqua is free.
XChat > *

XChat Aqua is pretty decent. It's lacking a couple features, but it has nice multilingual support, thanks to being Cocoa based.
davidbrit2 said:
XChat Aqua is pretty decent. It's lacking a couple features

What exactly do you miss?

X-Chat aqua is my client of choice too. It is the leading irc client for linux and new versions with new features are coming out frequently. And with every new aqua release the author includes the lates version of x-chat. One other thing that I love, it's highly customizable.

And it's free ;)
Hmm, all I can remember off the top of my head is that the GTK version has somewhat better behavior for the separator bar. They both kick ass, though.