IRC question

Paul C

I used to use mIRC on my Windows PC but have never used any IRC software on my mac, what software is their which is free but is easy to use, as I no good at typing commands :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance
X-Chat aqua

x-chat is a cross-platform irc client, it's free (and the best, might I add) and very customizable. This is a good os x port of it.
It will feel weird at first, but once you get used to it and customize it to fit your needs, you'll see it's much better than mirc
Thats great, thanks for the help guys, I'll download X-Chat later and give it a whirl.

Thanks again!!

Paul :)
XChat Aqua seems almost incomplete after using XChat in Windows. The tab bar was shifted way to the right, for one thing. It was quite usable otherwise, and maybe the interface was the way the porter(s) intended it to be, I don't know. But either way, I am looking for a good tabbed-interface IRC client for MacOS X as well. Does anyone here know the Baxter IRC client from BeOS? Perhaps the best tabbed interface of all time. Something like that, for MacOS X, would be great!

For now, I'm trying out everything I can find, and maybe I'll find something with a better approach.
Freiheit said:
XChat Aqua seems almost incomplete after using XChat in Windows. The tab bar was shifted way to the right, for one thing.

you can put the tab bar anywhere you want (left / top / right / bottom)
If you search for a Client that is completly scriptable and offers nearly everything you need if you're an IRCOP try Ircle. It's more a professional Client. Simple GUI, no smileys or graphics but plenty of possibilities to add scripts or shortcuts...

And for Ircle you can donwload many scripts to control apps out if the IRC, display the current iTunes song or the webpage you're browsing in a channel...

But you shouldn't try Ircle if you just wanne have some fun and don't know the IRC protocol. Then X-Chat Aqua, Colloguy or the new one (don't know the name) that was released as version 2 Beta a few days ago.
I would use irssi or BitchX
both are available for the commandline in OS X
for irssi there is even an aqua version

have phun
rbuenger said:
If you search for a Client that is completly scriptable and offers nearly everything you need if you're an IRCOP try Ircle. It's more a professional Client. Simple GUI, no smileys or graphics but plenty of possibilities to add scripts or shortcuts...

And for Ircle you can donwload many scripts to control apps out if the IRC, display the current iTunes song or the webpage you're browsing in a channel....

you can do all that with x-chat.