is anything really ever free?


mac shaman
i couldn't help but laugh at this latest advertising attempt to lure customers to yet another orgainized buying club of sorts. But perhaps you would like to get FREE CONDOMS :p

now they are something most everyone with any interest in sexual activity should have. but i am not sure that this is really the way to go about getting them.;)

on the other hand, i normally trash emails from the company that sent this to me without a second glance. and this time i at least followed the link to see what was going on.:D
I got a free condom at the Gorillaz show, it still sits in my wallet, untouched...


*uncontrollable weeping* Yeah I've been there. Ya know, they are free. I just cant do it. A package of condoms coming to my house for me? Well, what would the folks think? I wouldn't be able to leave the house without getting a pat down.

You can't steal them from Wal-mart silly! They don't have those just sitting out!