Is it OK to switch to a Mac? Will I die?


Universal Traveler
I read this article somewhere and felt that this is very true, one of the better written articles on Macs in my opinion.
That's a good point; Macs really are specialty machines. They're fine for the usual stuff like email, word processing, etc. but all Macs come with Firewire, most have burners and all have some sort of iLife bundle.
I'd also like to recommend Macs for one more group:
Those who want to have their computer understand them instead of understanding their just seems more logical to me by MY terms of logical.
Yeah, that's true... lots of features of OS X are user-centric while so many features of Windows are user-eccentric. That's kinda stupid...
Some interesting points. Although I disagree with the separation between Windows and Mac the author expressed. She did not mention anything about security or stability.
YOU have to evaluate what your computing needs are. If you MUST play the latest 3D games, buy a PC, if you're willing to wait a little longer, get the Mac. If you need every single business application available, get a PC, if all you need is Micro$oft Office, Quicken, or InvestorRT (serious stock market stock trading program), then get the Mac. I use my mac to play Quake3Arena, make CD's for listening in the car, general web browsing, email, education, and running my natural soap business. I am in no way limited by using a Mac, infact, it has made my life easier because I have less problems with my computer, everything works as its supposed to work, no "surprises", no device driver problems, No Blue Screen Of Death crashes. Networking on a Mac is the simplest task, just turn it on and plug in the wires, voila! Sure, I buy most of my software through mail order catalogs (Club Mac, Mac Mall, Mac Warehouse), and I've NEVER hada problem with adding hard drives or other PC hardware to my Mac. Oh, another thing, don't waste money buying antivirus software for a Mac, there aren't many virii around for Macs.
It seems to me Norton Antivirus for Mac has screwed over more Macs than any virus out there...

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" anyone?
I have no experience with it other than the horror stories I hear here...Norton seems to make Macs ill...
Yea, I wouldn't recommment Norton to anyone.

That article was scary. Nothing about the stability. Besides if the macs are more "expensive" that is also the unspoken fear of not finding the warez on macs. A fear that you have to PAY for the software you always stole for your peecee. Should someone tell them the underground exists on macs too? Even when the mac users tend to have a bit higher moral on copying policies than the windows users..
I have Norton AntiVirus, but I don't have it constantly running in the background like the App wants to. I have it scan files I download via Safari (and some other disclosed sources :D;)).
I think the views expressed in the article are mostly correct. I think the point he didn't make is that you get more for your money with a Mac over a PC, which is the main reason behind the apparent difference in price. Getting firwire on a Dell costs extra, along with more memory, bigger HD, etc. etc.

Also there are the other value props that Macs bring (iTunes Music Store, Unix based OS, open source kernel) that he doesn't mention. Oh well...
Here's a new one for you all. Have you ever heard of a piece of software, or an ISP, or a hacker, or something like that randomly shutting your computer down? Well, that's what happened on my friend's new Dull today. I was trying to get online (to register for classes, something important), and twice I got a box saying that in a minute the computer would be shut down for whatever the hell reason it was. (He has Softcom dial-up. That may be the source.) I think it's an external signal, because it seemed to indicate that some Authority was accessing his computer, but it was really weird. He said it's been happening a lot both on that computer and his old one, which his brother now uses.

Another advantage Mac has: you can't break into it from the Net.
whoa thats weird ive been talking to my girlfriend on iChat (on my end) and her Gateway kept saying that she would be restarting in a minute, she is on Adelphia Cable M. ANy guess on how to fix this problem...firewall?
Are any viruses for Mac at all? In all my years of using Macs I've never run across a virus. Well, that's not true; I once found an OS 9 extention that you could install on your friends computer or whomever, that would make the output of whatever was typed a certain funny message, essentially disabling your keyboard. There are more "prank viruses" like that which I've run across, but nothing like that of those that burrow under the skin of the OS, as on PCs.
Originally posted by nb3004
whoa thats weird ive been talking to my girlfriend on iChat (on my end) and her Gateway kept saying that she would be restarting in a minute, she is on Adelphia Cable M. ANy guess on how to fix this problem...firewall?

You guys are referring to a new worm that's affecting microsoft machines.



Thank you Microsoft, for reminding me why Mac OS X rules!!

edit - oh, btw, the link i posted has instructions for removing/protecting yourself from the worm.
Originally posted by arden
Another advantage Mac has: you can't break into it from the Net.

Well, can't is stretching it a bit. OS X has the Personal Firewall, is much less a target for hackers than Windows (why go for 3% of the machines out there?) and is, actually as far as anyone's been able to prove, generally more secure (read "better designed") than Windows.

I worry about the "bullet-proof" image people have of Mac OS and Linux, at least from an Internet security standpoint, because it's simply unrealistic. They DO have security holes that are stumbled upon occasionally, and I guarantee quite a few more would be found if they were targets...
I live in the middle of Bush-loving God's country. Getting people in Modesto to switch to Mac, if they don't already use it, is like getting cows to write essays. There are probably more cows here than Macs.