Is it possible to add a harddrive to an existing Raid 0 Array?



I have an existing striped raid 0 setup with 2 x 500 GB hard drives.
I just bought 2 more x 500 GB hard drives since i noticed HDD is a bottleneck for my 8 core system.

my question is, can i add the 2 harddrives to my existing raid 0 partition ? (so i have one raid partition of 2 TB )

i tried this, but it didnt work
MacPro-PC:~ kronos$ diskutil listraid
Name:                 Raid 0
Unique ID:            7CD5E941-6AA9-4F47-BE18-2183860B0596
Type:                 Stripe
Status:               Online
Size:                 999527743488 B
Device Node:          disk4
Apple RAID Version:   2
#   Device Node       UUID                                   Status
0   disk1s2           D8CB113A-4425-4E4D-AA1C-62118342CA89   Online
1   disk2s2           CC80544C-65A1-4F1D-A26C-F05E2EA92840   Online
bash-3.2# diskutil addToRaid member disk0 /Volumes/Raid\ 0

Error adding the disk to the RAID: Could not modify RAID (-9960)
The first thing I would try would be to boot from your Leopard install DVD and try to modify the RAID array that way, assuming that this is a software RAID array.

I've never done this before with a boot volume, so this is only an educated suggestion.