I've not got much of a clue on networking other than just using it, plugging things in and hoping they work.
I have been asked a question by a relative about wi-fi connection for guests at a Bed & Breakfast / Guest House. UK based.
The person has a normal computer system with a desktop wired in via ethernet through a modem or router. I think it's a modem with an early Apple Extreme base station. There is also a laptop that is used wirelessly, with all the WAP2 security. What they want to do is allow their guests access to the internet via wi-fi with WAP2 security, but without disclosing their own wi-fi password. And still using their existing broadband connection.
I'm lost with this.
Could it be done with an Airport Express linked into the network as an extension, but with a different access name and password?
Could it be done with a second wireless router in the network?
Or could it be done much more simply?
I have been asked a question by a relative about wi-fi connection for guests at a Bed & Breakfast / Guest House. UK based.
The person has a normal computer system with a desktop wired in via ethernet through a modem or router. I think it's a modem with an early Apple Extreme base station. There is also a laptop that is used wirelessly, with all the WAP2 security. What they want to do is allow their guests access to the internet via wi-fi with WAP2 security, but without disclosing their own wi-fi password. And still using their existing broadband connection.
I'm lost with this.
Could it be done with an Airport Express linked into the network as an extension, but with a different access name and password?
Could it be done with a second wireless router in the network?
Or could it be done much more simply?