Is It Possible To Damage App During Installation?


This is likely dumb question, but I need to be sure.

Situation where you download the installer/downloaded file, extract app file from it, eject disk image form desktop, then put downloaded file into trash and it suddenly don't want to be deleted. I suspect system was still using it in some ways... though disk image had been ejected.

App itself seems to work, opens and does what it was meant to do. Just slight worry if there might be internal error causing security issues. Is this possible?

Or if App actually works, then it works 100%?

I've had it happen few times with different apps and was never sure if I should go and remove them and re-install, eve if they seemingly work.
Will Thunderbird get less secure? Will Malwarebytes not detect everything?

Thoughts like that. Just don't know how apps works - are they like one big bundle that either works or won't work at all and as long as they seem to work, they are 100% fine?
IMO, I think that you are over thinking this. Remember the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.">>LOL LOL :-)
IMO, I think that you are over thinking this. Remember the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.">>LOL LOL :)

I'm used to machines where one tiny detail could be damaged a bit and nothing at first seems to be broken, but machine itself will not work properly later or do something wrong that isn't visible at first glance. Hence my questioning.

I immediately applied this logic to Apps and started thinking: if installer app was still open and I put it into trash and tried to delete it, did it cause any issue to app itself? How sensitive are apps - would such deleting attempt cause some damage to them? So that they visibly work, but lack some function or weaken them (not finding malicious file while opening and running)?

So I can forget this line of thinking, because if App opens when double clicked on it from Applications Folder, it works in every other way as well and there is no need to uninstall and re-install? This old man just has to change his thinking, yes? :D
There are times when either the downloaded file or the extracted disk will not eject because it (Computer’s installer) thinks it (the app’s file) is still in use. It does not mean that the security of your machine has been compromised. As long as you are downloading from the App store or directly from the app’s site, you do not need to worry.

All you need to do is restart your machine and the hold will be released. You will be able to empty the trash or eject the disk image. Keep Malwarebytes and your anti virus app up to date and rest easy.
There are times when either the downloaded file or the extracted disk will not eject because it (Computer’s installer) thinks it (the app’s file) is still in use. It does not mean that the security of your machine has been compromised. As long as you are downloading from the App store or directly from the app’s site, you do not need to worry.

All you need to do is restart your machine and the hold will be released. You will be able to empty the trash or eject the disk image. Keep Malwarebytes and your anti virus app up to date and rest easy.

I made some thinking and OS just seems to have clung to it for some reason. I was so worried because I know I ejected it. The process was like this:

1) Downloaded .dmg file to the Downloads folder in user (Administrator) account.
2) Double clicked that .dmg file and it opened on the desktop as a simulated drive.
3) Dragged the MalwareBytes icon at the left side of the folder window to the Applications alias on the right and then let go of the mouse button. Just maybe I did drop it to desktop first, but I have habit of following instructions and therefore it very likely went straight into Applications folder.
4)Then closed the window. Then right clicked the virtual drive and chose "eject" . Then it disappeared.
5) And then I dragged the dmg file into trash. Tried to delete it and it didn't let me. I think Mac said it was in use. It allowed me to delete it some times later.

Because I ejected it, it made me worried and confused, but looks like OS was just being stubborn and not wanting to let go of dmg file? But this would not cause any damage to app or OS itself, right?
There is no damage done to the app or the OS. You dragged and dropped the new app to the Applications folder. Did you open the app and allow it to scan your drive?

Don’t over think this. Like I said sometimes the Mac thinks the file is still in use. It happens. A restart will release the hold.
There is no damage done to the app or the OS. You dragged and dropped the new app to the Applications folder. Did you open the app and allow it to scan your drive?

Don’t over think this. Like I said sometimes the Mac thinks the file is still in use. It happens. A restart will release the hold.

Yes, I've used Malwarebytes several times. It opens, runs scan and updates - my only worry was if maybe something in Malwarebytes got damaged and it might miss some malicious file due to that - but that's just stupid paranoia, right?

If it opens and seems to run, then it also scans and is fully functional?