Is it possible to make an AppleScript of this?


Is it possible to make an AppleScript of this?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could make an AppleScript for this action:

I want all files that get moved to a folder (let's say Safari's Download folder, so it's moved there automaticly) to get opened by Norton Antivirus.

Doable? Please let me know :)
You can attach an Applescript to a folder (read OSX help about 'Folder Actions') -- so if NAV is scriptable (which I don't happen to know) you could presumably use that method to kick off a scan.
cant you set norton to monitor a specific folder? Check in Antivirus preferences.

btw what are you hoping to catch? The first Mac OS X virus known to man?
I have to say that, with all the media attention that has recently been drawn to the lack of Mac viruses, I gotta believe that somewhere out there, some freak is taking it as a challenge, and is even now trying to write a Mac OS X virus.
Thanks for the replies; I checked the preferences, no such option. profx, to answer your question, kind of, yes. I run a computer that other people also use and can't afford to let a virus get to all the files. Brian again, what I also wanted to ask, I can't script anything for the life of me, so if anyone knows if it can be done, can that somebody post the script here? Cause I wouldn't know how to do it.
When I get near my Mac (@#$ Wintel work machine!) I can probably give you the basic steps. Again though, I don't use NAV, so there will be a limit to what I can do for you.
Well, it's a trifle more complex than I thought but...
Take a look in /Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts to get a feel for, in general, how they're constructed.

Also, with Script Editor open, choose File/Open Dictionary and look for Norton Antivirus. If it's not listed, then it's not scriptable. If it is, open it's applescript dictionary and see what commands are available. In fact, if you want to send me a copy (copy/paste, or screen capture) of the NAV applescript dictionary, then when I have more time (a day or two) I can perhaps even send you a working script.