Perhaps you bought a refurbished iMac? A refurbished model might still be covered, if sold approximately in that time range. You should have it checked for possible repair under that program.
Do your symptoms seem to be similar to those listed?
I have a dead G5 20 -- Logic board is toast 0
Looking at the LCD -- It would be possible to use it as a monitor, but I can not figure out what cable I need to go from the LCD and then a DVI or VGA that I could then "modify" the Imac case to allow me to connect it to my Macbook pro -
The LCD has two cables coming out of it -- One that connects to the powersupply - located at the top of the LCD -
The other cable comes out the bottom and connects via a small connector to the video card --
Anyone know where to get there cables ? I ve look on some custom car sites since LCDs i the cars are hot items -- Nothing yet
Well , the G5 is one of the 20" 2.1 Isights --
When it first went down back in May I called apple and they said the warranty had expired -
I should also note that I purchased the machine used --
I will take a look at the serial numbers, and contact a store --but Im just not feeling lucky --
But thanks for taking the time to provide the excellent info --