Is it possible to open a Parallels .hdd-File?


I have a not working XP-System in Parallels, but I need some of the files stored in this system. Is there any chances to open this file?
Otherwise is there any tool to repair an XP-System? This system stops starting with a blue screen, saying: Session manager initialization failed.
So what can I do?

Working in the sun
Yes, why? I'm working a complete day to solve this problem, maybe I missed something in the manual....
Thanks anyway.
I never worked with them, their competitor VMware has tool to port complete disks, I suppose Parallels does too.
There's nothing _outside_ of Parallels that can handle these files AFAIK. So looking in Parallels' docu, their website, their forums would be a good start. The easiest way might be to create another virtual machine with Parallels, install an OS there and add the .hdd file as a secondary harddrive. Once you're running XP there and have Parallels Tools installed, you can drag and drop files from the virtual machine to the Mac desktop, for example.
In the end I tested, if it's possible to use the old .hdd-file as a second harddrive and: It worked!
Thank you very much! so my work is not lost!

In the end I tested, if it's possible to use the old .hdd-file as a second harddrive and: It worked!
Thank you very much! so my work is not lost!


Hi Sailor. Could tell me how to use the old .hdd file as a second harddrive?. I am having a similar problem with an XP installation that is corrupted.

Simply configure the hard drive options for your virtual machine, and select the .hdd image as the second hard drive.

Please tell us, step by step, where you're experiencing trouble in that procedure and we can provide more detailed assistance.
Thank you for your support:cool:. I was able to create a second hard disk in my VM parallels machine. However, when I try to enter to my XP session I receive the following message:

Unable to connect Hard Disk 2

A file or device for the operation of Hard Disk 2 does not existo r is used by anothe process, or you have no permission to access it. The virtual machine will continue running, but the device will be disconnected.

Any recommendation to solve this problem?.

Strange -- do you have read/write permissions on the .hdd file? You can check this by doing a "Get Info" (highlight the .hdd file in the Finder, press Command-I) and checking the permissions section.
Thank you for your replays.

I changed some names of files under the windows .PSV file in order to get into my XP VM corrupted. That may be the reason. I am going to try to use a backup file in order to recover my outlook files.

Thanks again.