Is Mac OS X Confused

You confused me too!
What am I supposed to be looking at ? :p

on a side not pertaining to the "cute member" status ... your avatar looks like weasley crusher from Start Trek The Next Generation LOL :p

Why does your menu bar have the letters DV in it?
I think your avatar looks like "baby Q" from Star Trek Voyager... What are we looking for ?
Dudes! Can't you see that the contexual menu shows that 10, 11, and 12 comes before 1, 2, and, 3 etc...? But if you look in the Finder You'll see that the numbers are in correct order. There is a sort problem in the Dock's contexual menu.

-Dantjie :)
Originally posted by wdw_
Why does your menu bar have the letters DV in it?

It's the Dvorak keyboard layout. I use it all the time, and yes it's better than then standard Qwerty.

-Dantjie :)
Originally posted by fisgeggs
This happens in the MacOS 9.1 Finder too. Just so you know!

Yes, that is true. But I installed an extention called "Natural Order" which fixed that problem. It seems that Apple never even bothered to even fix this issue that has been there ever since Mac OS whatever...

-Dantjie :)
It's not an Apple problem. It's an ASCII problem. Zero comes before Space, so "10" sorts before "1 ". The natural order thing and the OS X Finder must override the strict sorting routine and do a more intelligent sort. Nice.

Did you all noticed that in the Finder "Dare To Dream Lyrics.jpg" comes before "Dare To Dream.jpg?" But in the contexual menu it's the other way around. So I guess the sorting order puts "." before a space also.

-Dantjie :)