Is my Hard Disk dead?


I switched my iBook on after leaving it in sleep mode for 4 days, to find it crash instantly. No kernel panic, just a complete lockup. I try to reboot to run fsck, but I just get the missing system folder icon. I am able to boot from a cd after waiting about 5 minutes, but the only disk utility that will see it is Hard Disk toolkit. I have tried Norton 6.0.3, DiskWarrior 2.1 & Techtool 3.0.6, but none will mount the disk. The drive appears in hard disk toolkit as having no partitions, and will not mount.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how I might retrieve some of the data on there - there are some very important files for work to which I do not have a backup.

The new drive's on the way, but I've lost all my work from the past few months :( my own fault for not backing up :mad:
If DiskWarrior cant fix/see the damaged drive, Then I would say its probably dead. your other options are to open the case and check out the cabling, If thats looks in order then you could take the drive to one of those HD repair places, that might be real expensive, But your data/lost work might be worth it.:(